Three Back-To-School Breakfast Ideas With Eggo Waffles

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Last year was our first year sending the kids to school. I didn't make a huge event out of our first day though because Jay was starting preschool, and we knew we would be switching schools in a month once we got to Utah, and Em didn't start school until almost October, so I feel like we didn't have a huge first day of school celebration. 

breakfast ideas

This year I want to put in a little more effort into making the kids first day back just a little special for them, without completely burning myself out and wishing I hadn't gone through loads of effort in the first place. 

Last year our kids ate Eggo Homestyle Waffles basically everyday of the school year. I loved that they were an easy and portable option that I could pop in the toaster and then toss to the kids to eat while we were heading out the door. It's a no brainer for us that this year, there will also be a lot more Eggo Waffles in our lives.

Since I'm looking to make the first day back a little special this year, I purchased Eggo Waffles from Walmart, and practiced my hand at making some fun little animals and pictures, to make a wholesome and filling meal for the kids, that is also quick and easy for me! 

  1. Start with one whole Eggo Waffle in the middle.
  2. Slice strawberries in half, and then place them around the waffle to make the flower petals. 
  3. Cut a small thin rectangle from another Eggo Waffle for the stem. 
  4. Cut an apple slice in half, and place it on each side of the stem to make the leaves. 

  1. Start with one whole Eggo Waffle for the body. 
  2. Cut a "v" shape out of another Eggo Waffle to make the head. 
  3. Use a banana slice for the eye, and a chocolate chip for the pupil. 
  4. Use two strawberry halves for the feet. 
  5. Cut a small half circle shape for the tail.
  6. Cut a few apple wedges in half, and place along the spine and tail of the dinosaur to make some spikes. 

  1. Use one whole Eggo Waffle for the body.
  2. Cut another Eggo Waffle in half, and then in half again, to make four quarters. Use two of those pieces to make the wings for the owl. (Then snack on the other halves while you finish making breakfast.
  3. Use two strawberry halves for the ears.
  4. For the face, use two banana slices for the eyes, and two chocolate chips for the pupils. Then use a small strawberry half for the nose. 
  5. Finish your waffle by using three chocolate chips for each foot of the owl. 
Right now when you purchase one Eggo product, you get one free scholastic book for your child, a friend, or your school. You can purchase any Eggo product during the promotion and then simply uploading your recipet to Kellogg's Family Rewards. Visit their site for more details. 

Sign up for Ibotta and earn money back on the purchase of Eggo varieties while supplies last!

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