What Does a Stay at Home Mom Do All Day + Giveaway

Last year I posted basically this exact post, and then it kind of started spreading like wildfire, and then people were starting to fight with each other in the comments so I actually deleted the post, but I'm back for another round of this... and everyone should just be nice to each other. Also, there is a giveaway at the end of this post, so there's that.

2 am-Em wakes up and eats, I try to overlook the fact that she's not swaddled anymore and put her back to bed.

3am- Em needs to be reswaddled so Derek and I make the team effort, he helps me swaddle her in the dark and I get another bottle to feed her.

4am- I get back in bed, something falls in Jay's room and we spend the next hour on and off trying to coax him to stop talking and go to bed. 

6am-Derek's alarm goes off and I give him an, "I wuba ew two" (sleep drunk talk for I love you too), and send him on his way.

8am- Jay and Em both wake up... Em peed through all her blankets from the 8oz she drank so I strip her and her bedding and get them in the wash... Jay is screaming for breakfast so we head downstairs for Cheerios and OJ. An 8 oz glass of 100% Florida orange juice gives you 100% vitamin C to help you maintain a healthy immune system. Orange juice is one of the most nutrient-rich fruit juices commonly consumed in the United States – it provides a good source of potassium for heart health, the B vitamins thiamin and folate and is an excellent source of vitamin C.  Cheerios’ wholesome goodness is made from whole-grain oats and without artificial flavors or colors. It is low in fat and cholesterol free. And these wholesome little “o’s” have only one gram of sugar per serving! All that... and there was a $2 off coupon... so it was really a no brainer. 

9am- I get laundry in, make my way around the house to get all the trash and toys picked up from yesterday. Jay's also driving me crazy, begging to watch an episode of Team Umizoomi, so I oblige while I put Em down for tummy time and get blog work done

10 am- Jay begs for another show to watch, I deny his requests and he settles for building with the duplo blocks. Em starts screaming so I'm off to get another bottle and play with her. I also switch out another load of laundry. I realize that I haven't eaten, and I grab myself a bowl of cereal and put Em in her high chair to play while I eat. 

Jay screams that something is broken so I go down there to help him reconstruct his tower while Em does more tummy time. Jay gets hungry so we go and get a snack. I'm starting to get a headache so I make myself some herbal tea (raspberry is my current favorite) but it's too hot and I burn my face off. 

11am- Em finally drinks her bottle and I get her swaddled and down for a nap. I make Jay a PBJ. While he's eating his lunch I unload the dishwasher and finally drink my tea. Jay finishes eating and we go wash face, hands, and brush teeth. We read three stories and he's down for his nap.

12pm- I sit down at my computer and order new running shoes, because they're on sale, and an additional 40% off and I have $40 Kohl's cash, and haven't gotten a new pair since Jay was born, and they're basically free anyways, so there's that. 

I get a few blog posts written, look around to see if there are any campaigns I can apply to, and then edit some videos for my YouTube channel. 

The plumber comes to install our new dishwasher. They're the loudest human beings on the planet. Definitely a terrible idea to have them here during nap time.

1pm- I get the laundry folded and put away. Jay and Em wake up from their naps so we come downstairs and all the furniture we just ordered for our house got delivered. I lug everything inside 1 handed while holding Em in the other hand. 

2pm- I unfold our new rug out on the carpet that Jay decides he can't stands and cries for the next 15 minutes for me to get rid of it. We go outside to take a walk and get his mind off of it, but it starts pouring when we get in the stroller so we come back inside. 

Em starts screaming for food so I get her fed while Jay reads books on the couch. 

3pm- I go downstairs and get all the laundry out of the dryer and fold it in the living room while Em is playing in her new seat we got for her, and Jay runs all over the new area rug because he's now decided it's the best thing ever. 

4pm- This is the hour Em decides everything is wrong with the world, so she cries for the next 45 minutes and I'm standing up bouncing her... this is also my arm workout for the day.

5pm- Derek comes home, and I'm starving and exhausted (if you haven't noticed, I've missed lunch). Derek has to go put together Em's crib for the nursery reveal blog post that's coming on Monday, so I have to figure out dinner with a grumpy baby and toddler (not complaining, just the situation).

6pm- I decide I don't want to cook dinner, and we got a coupon for a pizza place nearby and I call and they tell me I can't get delivery unless I thouroughly explain where we live. I tell them near the big chicken, they have no idea what I mean, I say never mind, hang up, and make spaghetti. 

7pm- Jay and Em go to bed. We're out of baby formula so I run to Target. I didn't realize that I would have to take the highway to get to Target, get stuck in crazy Atlanta traffic, and what was supposed to be a 30 minute event turns into an hour and a half. 

9pm- I get home, Derek is putting the changing table together in the living room, I put the groceries away and start getting ready for bed. 

Em starts screaming for food so I feed her (she eats basically every 4 hours at night).

Derek and I watch two episodes of Friends on Netflix and I go to bed. 

10pm- The day is over, and I wake up at 12am, 4am, and 8am to feed Em again. 

Because I want you all to get a good breakfast and fuel your day right, I'm giving away $15 paypal cash to one lucky reader so they can start their day off right with some Cheerios and OJ, just don't forget about the $2 off coupon too! Giveaway will run until April 4th at 11:59pm. Enter using the rafflecopter below. 


  1. Life as a sleep deprived mother is hard. Good thing the kids are cute huh?!?

  2. I would choose Honey Nut Cheerios

  3. Honey Nut, all the way, obviously. And ha! We totally DID do the same blog post :)

  4. If I can find them I LOVE the fruity cheerios :)

  5. The fruity cheerios sound tasty.

  6. I've never tried them but I'd love to add Chocolate Cheerios to my breakfast table!

  7. Kudos to you, momma, you are a machine!

    Pink Wings

  8. I would add Multi Grain Cheerios.

  9. I would add Honey Nut Cheerios to my breakfast
    Leidy R rafflecopter

  10. I love the peanut butter cherrios

  11. I would add Honey Nut Cheerios to my morning breakfast!

  12. I would love to try Banana nut Cheerios

  13. The honey nut cheerios!

  14. I would add honey nut cheerios.

    rounder9834 @yahoo.com

  15. Honey nut cheerios!! :)

  16. my goodness. moms are crazy people. (and super heroes, you're right) and yes to honey nut cheerios

  17. I would add the apple cinnamon - shaunie

  18. I would add honey nut cheerios.

  19. Oh we would add the Peanut Butter Cheerios!

  20. I love Honey Nut Cheerios the best!

  21. I've always really liked Honey Nut Cheerios.

  22. Honey Nut Cheerios for my family!

  23. I'd have Peanut Butter Cheerios.

  24. I'd have Peanut Butter Cheerios.

  25. I would add the Peanut butter cheerios, they look so good.

  26. I would love to add honey nut cheerios to my breakfast routine.

  27. I love Cheerios. I would definitely add Chocolate Cheerios to my morning routine. I love to switch it up some days!

  28. I would add the Honey nut cheerios because my kids just love them and they want me to stay healthy.

  29. omg! that bag u have ur baby zipped in ! ugh! no freedom 2 move at all ! why not 1 with sleeves at least ?
