Whenever we go somewhere on a trip we try to jam as much fun into a day as we can. Today we definitely did just that. We woke up early after a wonderful nights rest and watched Toy Story until Jay woke up. We ate breakfast and got ready and made the 1 mile trek down to the ocean. We played at the beach for a couple hours, splashed in the waves, and collected sea shells! We loved it so much we're going to go back everyday until we leave on Tuesday!
We then headed back to the house to put Jay down for a nap! The poor guy was so tired that he slept for three hours until I went in and checked on him and saw he had peed everywhere, and then I had to wake him up to clean everything. Turns out swim diapers really don't hold that much.
After Jay's nap we headed out to Roanoke Island to see the visitors center and find out what really happened there. Turns out 400 years later, and no one knows the answer to that either. We were going to walk around the nature trails their for a while but I was allergic to something in the woods and couldn't stop coughing, which was so strange, cause I don't have allergies!
While we were in the gift shop we saw an old couple that was celebrating their 51st anniversary, we bragged that we were celebrating our second and everyone just laughed at us. Apparently we're still crazy and like each other, go figure.
After the visitors center we were going to head over to the aquarium but it was closed for the day so we just decided to hit up a gift shop and get some sweet t-shirts and then get dinner and head back to the house for the night.
All the restaurants here have really funny names, and most of them are inappropriate at that, so we decided that "Beach Bums" was going to be as clean as it got for us tonight. Jay decided to hit his head as hard as he could on purpose while we were there, leaving a mark on his head, and a meltdown!
Once we got home Jay was so tired he just let me sing to him as he fell asleep. Something that hasn't happened in a very long time!
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