Busy Bag Idea

While homeschooling all of my children until they're ready to go off to college sounds like a daunting task that I would never want to do, I am pretty excited to do preschool at home with Jay in a couple years, especially if I could do a co-op with a bunch of other moms. When I was asked a couple weeks ago if I would like to do a busy bag group with a bunch of moms in my ward I was really excited because that meant that I was going to be able to have a bunch of fun learning activities that I could start working on with Jay now! It's like pre-preschool :) 

The busy bag group works like this: there are 7 moms in the group, each mom makes 7 of the same thing, and then we get together and swap our items so we walk away with 7 new activities. Being challenged in all things crafty I decided this Easter egg idea was probably at my level, while still providing a fun educational activity for Jay. Plus, he loves playing with Easter eggs. 

All you have to do is write out the word "one" (or two, or three, or whatever number you're on), on the top half of the egg, and it's numerical symbol on the bottom, "1". Then the child has to match it up! Super easy and it was fool proof for me which is always a bonus. You could also do this with the alphabet, doing upper case letters on the top half, and lower case letters on the bottom half. 

Also, turns out their are only two more days to enter to win the Stop Traffick Fashion giveaway for this tote bag! Enter to win below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment

  1. This explains all the Easter eggs on Instagram the other day!
