Baby Items I Always Buy in Bulk

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and it's advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SamsClubMag #CollectiveBias

Now that I have two kids I feel like I'm always being hyper aware about how much screen time my kids are having, how much we're getting outside, are we running around and burning off enough energy, are we eating the right things, are we saving enough money... the list goes on and on. I'm sure it's like the for most parents. I was reading Healthy Living Magazine the other day and it said that running around is not only great, but theraputic for kids. It can even boost their immune system. Anyone who knows Jay's track record with being sick, knows that we can use all the immune boosting we can get over here. 

One of the things I love about our new house is that we don't have our TV in the main living space. We keep all of the toys and everything in the living room which means that Jay is able to spend most of the day running up and down the stairs from his room to the living room, and that the amount of screen time we've all been getting has gone down drastically. 

Another awesome thing about where we live is that it puts us about two minutes away from Sam's Club which means I can stock up on all the baby things we need. Now that we live in a house, and being home is actually fun since we have more things to do, I love stocking up on everything I need at Sam's Club so that I only have to leave the house once every two months for diapers instead of every week. Which means less time in the car and store, and more time running around the house, and neighborhood.

A couple years ago when we first had Jay I made an elaborate spread sheet comparing all the major warehouse stores in terms of membership fees, and then the price of diapers, wipes, and formula, and Sam's Club was the overall winner in every category! It also helps that it's always been the closest store to us every time we've moved somewhere.  

This last Friday I ran to Sam's Club to pick up all the diapers, wipes, and formula that we would need for the next couple months, and the fact that I'm not going to have to run back to the store for any of that until June is the best feeling ever. Also, the OCD side of me loves getting to come home and spend a good fifteen minutes organizing all of it in the hall closet upstairs too. Because we can stock up on so many things all at once, for such great prices, it means that we can spend more time together as a family, doing the things we love, instead of constantly having to leave and run errands all the time.  

Do you use a wholesale membership? Do you shop at Sam's Club? What baby products do you make sure to stock up on? Be sure to check out Healthy Living Magazine for more lifestyle tips for staying healthy! 


  1. Diapers and wipes are the baby items I buy in bulk. Still trying to convince my husband to let me buy cloth diapers but he's still pretty against it. Then we buy lots of organic food in bulk from Costco.

  2. Agreed, it is more important to be with the kids than have the TV on! Thank you for this great post! #client

  3. Such cute photos!

    God bless,
    XO, Claire
