Mother's Day Ideas for The Mom Who Does Everything + Giveaway!

We all have those moms in our lives who do everything right? They may not be our actual mom, but they're always giving, always kind, always on the go, doing things for everyone. They're the moms that we all look up to and want to become. This isn't something that I talk a lot about here on the blog, or in general unless we're really close, but I happen to know one mom who is truly amazing.

After I graduated high school I got baptized and became a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was honestly a complete 180° from the life I had been previously living and me making that change was difficult for a handful of people in my life. At the time I wasn't living with my own parents, but with a friend's family, and after I had gotten baptized I mainly just felt like I didn't fit in with that part of my life anymore. 

I had really amazing friends that I went to church with and two of them were sisters. The summer when I was thinking about getting baptized, I found myself over at their house all the time. They were just the kind of girls that I wanted to be and so I took every opportunity to be around them. After I got baptized and didn't really fit in perfectly with the family I was living with, the mom of these two sisters offered to let me live with them until I saved up enough money to go out to Utah for college the following semester. 

I was honestly floored that she had even offered because they didn't really know me that well. I personally just considered myself the new weird girl at church, but she completely welcomed me into their home, and I'll forever be grateful for that. Their family has become such a major part of my life over the past five years because of those three months that I stayed with them. My friend's mom helped me welcome both of our babies into the world, has let me stay with them every time I'm back home in NY, and most importantly, has helped me grow and cultivate a relationship with Jesus Christ. She's the kind of mom I truly hope to become one day. 

This year for Mother's Day, since she is always doing so much for me, and her own children, and even the women in our church back home, I wanted to do something a little extra special. I've teamed up with Thymes to give her the ultimate relaxation package this Mother's Day. She is constantly on the go, and doing so much for other people, I really wanted to be able to give her the gift of relaxation. 

Thymes is a candle and body fragrance company that strives to create products that are skin-compatible, environmentally friendly, effective and a pleasure to use. They opt for natural, high-quality, plant-based ingredients whenever possible. Thymes uses botanical extracts with healthy-enhancing nutrients, vitamins, and vital antioxidants. They're the perfect gift to give this Mother's Day because they're a high quality product that you can feel good about giving to any mom on your shopping list, and they're sure to have a scent that is perfect of everyone! When you place an order of $25 or more you'll recieve a 15 sample fragrance kit to help you experience the wonderful scents of Thymes.

Also, because I love you guys, I'm giving away $15 paypal cash for one lucky winner to get to experience Thymes first hand! Just go to their website and tell me which scent you would want to try! Giveaway runs from now until May 11, 2015 at 11:59 pm. Must be a US resident. Enter using the Rafflecopter below.


  1. I have a few moms who aren't my own, but they are so close and so loving that I consider them my second moms. Moving around you don't really get to make lifelong friends as often as you would if you lived in one place your whole life, and the fact that these two ladies took me in and treated me as one of their own children is amazing. This post made me realize that I really need to do something for them this year. So thank you!

    Running Alyssa

  2. That is the sweetest story and really inspires me to get out of my comfort zone and be more inviting to those around me. I'll never know when someone needs it most!
    Also, genius Mothers Day gift! She will LOVE it!

  3. Thanks for sharing your story, what a cool family you adopted <3 And I haven't even smelled Thymes before but I am already a fan, their site is gorgeous and their products look so classy. I'm intrigued by the Kimono Rose!

    Pink Wings

  4. Wow, Great blog buddy! I could just find all informative sources in your post. My search ends here!

  5. I would choose lavender scent myself. It sounds wonderful.
