How to get Game Day Ready with Kings Hawaiian

A week or two ago we decided to throw a big at home tailgating party with some people from Derek's work. Since he's been working there for six months it seemed like a good idea to finally get to know some more people in the area. This was the first time that I've really planned a large get together like this so I was a little nervous. Luckily, Walmart had everything I needed in one spot so I didn't have to stress about going to multiple stores in one day. 

The first thing I did was plan out my list. Because what kind of OCD planner would I be without having an actual game plan before I got to the store? I broke everything up into categories at the store so that when I got in there I could be as efficient as possible.

I knew the main thing I would be cooking were buffalo chicken sliders (stay tuned for the recipe to that in the coming weeks). Amazingly, the first thing that had it's own display right when I walked into the store was King's Hawaiian Rolls. It was fate obviously. After grabbing the ingredients for that, the only thing left to get were the sides, snacks, chips, sweets, drinks, etc... I know a lot of people like different things while they're watching their football (I personally just stare at the screen and pretend to know what's going on), so I tried to get a little bit of everything to accommodate everyone. Derek looked like he had died and gone to heaven when I came home with bags upon bags of delicious food that we don't normally keep in the house. 

We were so excited to get game day ready with King's Hawaiian and Walmart! Be sure to check out my Pinterest board filled with great ideas for tailgating and game day recipes! What are your favorite things to make during football season?  I'd love to hear your ideas in the comments below!

This post is sponsored by King's Hawaiian, all thoughts and opinions are my own. #KHGameTime


  1. I think I mentioned last time how much I loooove King's Hawaiian. These look so good, especially right now that my stomach is full of only sweets >.<

    Pink Wings

  2. That looks yummy! Love Hawaiian bread!

  3. Yum! Those look so good. Can't wait for the recipe! Thanks for the idea! -♥- Rachel (For the Birds)

  4. That looks so yummy. I will have to make this for my hubby! :)
    Fash Boulevard

  5. I love making dips this time of year - always my favorite thing for a tailgate party. These sliders sound yummy!
