Week 1 Recap of 2021

We're a week into 2021 and the memes all over the internet are already saying 2021 isn't going to be much different than 2020. I'm holding out hope that the world can still turn this around and that we can get everything moving in the right direction. One of my goals in 2021 was to bring more of the family blogging aspect back to this... family blog. I'm excited to share the ups, downs, and all arounds of what this past week (and all weeks moving forward) looked like for our little family. 


One goal that I made this year that I hadn't mentioned was starting therapy. I think so many people can benefit from it, and since I spent the entire last year advocating for children's mental health, I figured it was time to do the same for myself. Monday was my first session and I spent the following three days resolved to the fact that they screwed me up more than before I went in, but considering I'm a two time therapy drop out in the past, I'm resolved to stick this one out and not be a quitter in the name of pride... so we'll see how this goes over the next few weeks. 


Kyle had speech therapy that we've been participating in for almost six months now. He has two more visits before we're done with our "episode of care" and he has just come so far from where he was last winter when we pulled him out of public school. The difference it's made is huge, and I'm so so proud of the hard work that he's done to get here!


Kinsley had physical therapy for the first time since getting her casts off and she did so well! We set new goals for her to work on over the next 10 weeks before we take a four month break, and I'm so excited to say we'll be working on forearm crutches! The big goal we have for her in 2021 would be to not use the walker anymore and to use crutches full time. This is beyond anything we could have ever hopped for, so I'm excited to see how it works! Our main goal though for the next 10 weeks is to just stand with the crutches, and eventually progress from there. 


I was given new tasks to do with The Bamboo Brace and spent three solid hours working on that while the kids were at school. It filled my cup in all the best ways. I know I shouldn't tie my identity to work, and that I probably have problems because I like to work so much, but I seriously am so happy to have the opportunity to focus on that more in 2021 since my previous tasks diminished with the shutdown last year. Getting to jump back into that with both feet has been the best. 


The kids have remote learning at home today. They both have schoolwork to do on the computer and then we get to spend the rest of the day playing. Derek has this Friday off so at some point he'll be on kid duty while I get work done. Friday's are usually our library day, and then we have "Fast Food Friday" in the evening where we get in the car and everyone gets to get whatever they want for dinner. It's a great time killer before bedtime, and it's something we've been doing for almost two years now. 

How was your week? I hope you're doing well and that this first week of the year has brought some good things to you and your family's life!

1 comment

  1. We did a fast food meal one time during the shut down last spring. My kids thought it was fun. Dad thought it was the stupidest thing ever and would never do it again. :) But it was fun to drive around and get what they wanted and see them all happy!
    I keep thinking of therapy, and how helpful it can be. But you can't expect to get stuff out of something you aren't willing to work at, right? Thanks for sharing that you are going to therapy. I think the stigma of therapy needs to go away. I love it when my friends share things they have learned with me from therapy. Because I need it too.
