Easy Delicious Lasagna (Only 5 Ingredients!)

This easy and delicious lasagna recipe comes together with only five ingredients and very minimal prep. It will easily become your family's go-to lasagna recipe for years to come

Easy Delicious Lasagna

Easy Delicious Lasagna:

I remember when Derek and I first got married and I was figuring out cooking, lasagna felt like one of those meals that I needed to figure out how to make. I stumbled across this five-ingredient lasagna recipe at some point down the line, and it's been our go-to ever since. 

No Bake Lasagna Noodles:

My favorite part about this recipe is that you use the oven-ready lasagna noodles which I've been proudly using for over a decade. I love that I don't have to boil the noodles ahead of time, and I can get to work layering everything in the pan. 

This recipe might not be for the lasagna purest, but for someone with no Italian blood to their name, it's completely fine with me. 

Easy Delicious Lasagna

Five Ingredients for Perfect Lasagna:

Oven Ready Lasagna Noodles: Perfect for eliminating boiling the noodles ahead of time and reducing your overall hands-on time in the kitchen. 

Jarred Pasta Sauce: Pick whichever one is your family's favorite, you just need 24 ounces. We recently used the Spicy Truff sauce and it made for a really good spicy lasagna that I LOVED.

Mozzarella Cheese: The classic cheese for all Italian dishes. You'll need two cups.

Ricotta Cheese: The perfect cream cheese to layer into your lasagna. If you're looking for a higher protein option you could use cottage cheese. 

Italian Sausage: Brown a pound of ground Italian sausage and mix it with your jarred pasta sauce to add the best texture and flavor to this dish. 

Easy Delicious Lasagna

Layering the Lasagna:

Step 1: Pour 1 cup of the meat sauce mixture into the bottom of an 11x7 casserole dish

Step 2: Top with 3 uncooked lasagna noodles.

Step 3: Spread 1 cup ricotta cheese across the noodles.

Step 4: Sprinkle 1 cup mozzarella cheese on top of ricotta.

Step 5: Spread 1 cup of meat sauce across the cheese layer. 

Step 6: Top with three more lasagna noodles.

Step 7: Spread the last cup of meat sauce over the lasagna noodles.

Step 8: Cover with foil and bake for 50 minutes.

Step 9: Sprinkle 1 cup of mozzarella over the top, and bake for 5 more minutes.

Step 10: Rest for 10 minutes out of the oven before slicing and serving.

Easy Delicious Lasagna

Freezing and Reheating Lasagna:

You can prep this lasagna and store it in a freezer-safe baking dish for up to three months. When you go to bake it in the oven just add 20 more minutes to the baking time. This will increase the cooking time from 50 minutes to 70 minutes.

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  1. This looks delicious and I'm definitely going to make this! I love simple recipes! Pinning it now :)


  2. I just pinned this on my pinterest and a few pinterest collab boards. This recipe looks delicious and I'm a fan of anything that is 10 ingredients or less!

  3. I think roasted garlic & carmelized onion sounds great!
