Custom Kid's Furniture provided me with a free house bed in exchange for this post, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
When we moved to Utah and we bought the kids new beds, we knew it was time to transition Em from her crib to a twin size bed. Despite the fact that she isn't walking, and certainly wasn't climbing out of her bed, she was over three-years-old, and due to how tall she is, she was quickly outgrowing her mattress.
We didn't really know what we wanted in a bed for her, so we just put a mattress on the floor, and then enclosed it with a daybed frame, to make another make-shift crib and called it good. This presented a few problems because it made it really awkward for Derek and I to get her in and out of bed each day, and we weren't giving her any independence to move freely in her own bedroom.
I was on Pinterest looking for some bedroom inspiration for Jay and Em for the design process of our new house, and came across this entire world of floor beds, particularly these Montessori inspired house beds, and instantly knew that was the direction that I wanted to take with Em's bedroom.
The benefit to a floor bed is that it is low to the ground and makes a child's bedroom more accessible to them, since they can get in and out of the bed on their own, and should they fall out of bed when they're sleeping, it's a low enough drop that they won't get hurt. When I was reading about this, I loved the idea of making Em's room a place that was accessible for her. She is three-years-old and crawling, so I knew that she would easily be able to get in and out of the bed on her own, and it's proven to be a very positive thing for her over the last several weeks that we've had it.
I also love that the Montessori House Frame Floor bed encourages imagination and creative play. We've had so much fun as a family playing in Em's room since she got this bed. Her and Jay love to go "hide in the house", together, which mostly turns into them making a fort, and Jay reading books to her with a flashlight after school most afternoons. It's become such a fun novelty that I really think has brought our family closer together in so many different ways.
I seriously love nothing more than hearing her crawl out of her room and coming into my room in the morning when she wakes up. I love that she can wake up from her nap and play with toys until I come and get her.
I think one of the challenging aspects of designing a room for Em is the combination of design and function. I feel like all too often we find things that functionally work for Em and her abilities, but they don't necessarily look cute. I love that this Sophia House Frame Floor Bed from Custom Kid's Furniture makes this room function better for Em, without having to compromise on the aesthetics.

Custom Kid's Furniture also has many other variations of the toddler floor bed, including an option for a white or grey finish, one with a chimney, one that's six inches off the ground, and you can purchase them in toddler size, all the way up to a queen. They are such a fun and creative way to make a room more accessible for your little one, special needs or not.