Is there anything better than Christmas Kids Movies in the month of December with your littles? These are 26 of our favorite Christmas Kids Movies to watch in our home!
When my oldest sister was little my mom recorded a bunch of Christmas movies from the 80s on a VHS tape that had all the holiday classics on it. My family and I watched that very VHS tape for 20+ straight Christmases and it's one of my favorite memories from growing up. now that I have my own children, I love watching Christmas kids movies with them, and making those same holiday memories in our home. While this list isn't exclusive to all the movies we watch during the holidays, it is a list of all the ones we watch with our own kids with minimal guilt (as in we will certainly watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, but aren't quite ready to share it with the kids yet!)

26 Christmas Kids Movies:
How the Grinch Stole Christmas: There are lots of Grinch movies out there, and there is even talk of a second Grinch movie in the works with Jim Carrey yet again, but there is something so nostalgic and classic about the original animated Grinch movie. You can find free versions on youtube, and also rent on Amazon. It's only 26 minutes long too, which makes it perfect to watch on a weeknight before bed.
Jim Carrey's How the Grinch Stole Christmas: This movie always reminds me of my childhood because it came out when I was nine and I remember seeing it in the theater and watching it with my brother all the time. This version is definitely more creepy when compared to the two animated versions, but I think I'm ready to scar Kyle with it this year. It's available to watch on Netflix!
The Grinch: This is the newest 2018 version and I personally think it's the best one yet! I like that it's a longer full length movie like the Jim Carrey one, but it's also significantly less creepy, and is just really fun and appealing to young audiences! It's also available to watch on Netflix.
Klaus: We fell in love with this Netflix original movie last year and have watched it several times. It's about a postal worker who gets sent to a rundown and scary town as a punishment for not doing his job, and in the end through the power of writing letters to Santa, he changes the entire town and community for the better. It's so fun!
Arthur’s Christmas: Derek and I saw this movie together in theaters 9 years ago and it's been a favorite of ours since! Santa is retiring and needs to pass the job onto one of his two boys. Everyone thinks it's going to be the militant like older brother, but the younger less likely brother encompasses everything that Christmas Spirit is about. It's such a fun and cute movie. Available to rent on Amazon.
Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You: This is an Amazon Prime Original Movie with the voice of Mariah Carey as a little girl who wants a puppy for Christmas. It came out in 2017, but we haven't watched it yet. I think this is something Kinsley will love this year.
Home Alone 1, 2, and 3 (and 4?): I don't know that each of these movies need their own category, but Kyle absolutely loves these movies. I know their a little borderline on the appropriate scale, but I think Kyle watched them with cousins when he was 5 or 6 and it's been all downhill from there. He absolutely dies laughing watching these, and listening to his hysterical laugh (if you know you know), is worth whatever potential inappropriateness lies within these movies. Also, in research for this post I found there is apparently a fourth movie we haven't watched? You can rent them all on Amazon. Or Watch on Disney+.
The Santa Clause 1, 2, 3: I love all three of these movies, and it's not the holiday season without watching them all. They're all available to rent on Amazon, but if you're only going to watch one, obviously watch the first one, it's such a classic. Also Available on Disney+.
Jingle All The Way: This is one that my brother and I grew up watching every holiday season. It features Arnold Schwarzenegger, and how he goes out of his way to make sure his son has the action figure he wants for Christmas, even though it's sold out everywhere. It's fun to see all the mischief and trouble he goes through to be his son's hero. Available to rent on Amazon.
The Polar Express: Is it even Christmas if you don't watch this? My kids and I love watching this movie and it's one we look forward to watching as we wrap presents together right before Christmas. It's available to rent on Amazon.
Mickey’s Christmas Carol: This is the version of The Christmas Carol that I grew up watching, and didn't know there were other versions until I was 18. It's available to watch on Disney+, and in my opinion is the only version you need to watch this holiday season.
Jack Frost: I actually have only watched this movie once when I was younger, but it really is such a great and heartwarming movie about a boy who looses his dad and find's his spirit in a snowman. Available to rent on Amazon.
A Christmas Story: I haven't watched this one with the kids yet, and don't know if they're quite the right age yet, but it is such a great classic movie. I don't remember how old I was when I watched it for the first time, but I imagine we'll share it with the kids in a few more years. Also, turns out you can actually purchase a Red Ryder BB Gun at Walmart if anyone is interested.
ELF: This is without a doubt Derek's favorite Christmas movie. I'm surprised we haven't watched it yet, but I'm sure it's coming. It's available to rent on Amazon, but you should probably go ahead and buy this one if you haven't already.
Frosty the Snowman: This is obviously a holiday classic that I grew up watching along with everyone else on the planet, but it's just necessary. You can watch it for free on Youtube, and I recommend you do ;)
Santa Claus is Coming to Town: Santa Claus is Coming to Town has to be one of the best original claymation Christmas movies. It's available for free on Youtube as well, and is great to share with young audiences.
Charlie Brown Christmas: Another holiday classic with the peanuts gang! It's available to watch for free this year on AppleTV+ December 11-December 13th if you want to catch it with your kids! More details here.
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer: The claymation Rudolph is superior to all other versions of this holiday classic. You can purchase the DVD for $10 and it also comes bundled with Frosty, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, and a few other movies too. This looks like the cheapest/easiest way to watch Rudolph this season.
The Star: I had never heard of this movie until I started writing this post, but it's about a bunch of animals that see a bright star in the sky and decide to follow it. The star leads them to Jesus and the first Christmas morning. It looks like a super sweet movie, and I can't wait to share it with the kids. It's animated, 1 hours and 26 minutes long, and made in 2017. It looks to be really good quality. You can rent on Amazon.
Disney’s a Christmas Carol: This animated version of A Christmas Carol features Jim Carrey and was made in 2009. I honestly can't remember if I've seen this one or not, but it actually looks really good. It's also available to watch on Disney+.
Olafs Frozen Adventure: This is a 26 minute short made by Disney where Olaf tries to bring back the Kingdom's Christmas traditions and save the holiday spirit for Anna and Elsa. It would make a great weeknight watch and is available on Disney+.
Peppa Pig: Peppa's Christmas: We have a massive Peppa Pig lover in our home, so we need all things Peppa all the time. This is a quick 10 minute episode to watch but it's another great weeknight watch if you want to cuddle up and watch something before bedtime. This also has an accompanying book as well. You can watch this for free on Youtube.
Which Christmas movies do you love watching with your kids? I'd love to hear in the comments below!