The Story Behind the Name| Kinsley Mae

When we first found out all the diagnosis about Kinsley and we were unsure about what her health, and life would be like, it was really important to me that her name was somehow meaningful to the life that she would live. All throughout the pregnancy I had been drawn to the name Kinsley Mae. I thought it was super pretty, but getting Derek on board was quite the task. I decided that since this was the name I kept going back to in my mind, I had better look up its meaning to see if it was something that I really wanted to be pushing for. 

It turns out that her name is just as perfect as she is. Kinsley comes from an old English name, Cynesige, which means victory. The meaning of the name Mae in Hebrew means bitter. At first when I saw Mae meant bitter, I started to really not like the name that much anymore. But the more I thought about it, the more I loved it! 

Ultimately, while Kinsley is doing amazing health wise right now, we really don't know what her health looking forward is going to be like, and we really don't know how long we really will have her (although things are looking a million times better than they were a month ago and we really do think she is going to have a pretty great and long life ahead of her). Her diagnosis of semilobar holoprosencephaly was a pretty bitter thing from the beginning. But through the gospel perspective Kinsley is going to have a victory over a really bitter thing. When she leaves this earth, her body will be perfect, and that is the greatest victory ever. We seriously love this little girl so much. 


  1. I cry every time I read your blog. She is so beautiful.

  2. She is just precious and beautiful! A true gift from God! Your faith is inspiring and I am praying for a healing touch for your little girl.

  3. Its crazy how much more I like a name when I know its meaning! I don't think you could have picked a better name!

  4. Beautiful. Absolutely Beautiful.

  5. Wow! You are amazing! I am so sorry that you have to go through this. She is absolutely adorable and I love the meaning of her name! I have a cousin who was diagnosed with an illness at young age and the doctors didn't give her a long like expectancy. She has now lived 7 years past what the doctors said. I love that Kinsley's name means victory. So fitting! You and your family will be in my prayers!
